Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mags 3

So I've been trying to eat a little better since I've been home- you know, no late LATE night snacking and at least five servings of veggies/fruit a day. It's still hard to keep myself from going for the chocolate or salty chips, though. And even in trying to reduce the acidity of my body, I'm basically screwed because, well. I love cheese. And eggs. And REFUSE to give up chocolate. Still, I'm still meat free and have, in giving up coffee, managed to reduce my coffee/caffeine intake a great deal (and now when I have it it's a big treat!). So I'm trying. I plan on getting up early enough for a short jog tomorrow morning. We'll see how that goes. It is summah in Virginiah, hunnih, as I tell my mom repeatedly, and the humidity is liable to get me before the bugs do.

Here's a weight confession: I want to be as thin as Keira Knightly, but still buff enough that I can kick some real ass if necessary. (Like Knightly in Bend it!) How do I achieve that? Will have to research, I suppose, but jogging/ cycling isn't a bad way to get started, I suppose. UGH. How does she do it? I refuse to believe it's simply good genetics. Or, thin genetics I should say. Since I detest society's labeling of all things thin and frothy as being the perfect body or the perfect size. What makes it perfect, jackasses? UGH, again.

Here's to our goals! And to upping our water intake! Because that is the ultimate trick, I hear tell- drinking plenty of water. Well, I'm full capable of that, at least. :)