Monday, March 30, 2009

Leia 1

Argh! Okay... I'm not doing well with this blogging thing! After finally figuring out how to post a new message (took me 5 minutes to find the button), I get almost done with the post and accidentally clicked the wrong button that turned my whole post into the letter "s". Seriously.
SOOOooo... what I'd been intending to put out there... I'm motivated to lose weight- Ironically, I got this hit of motivation as I'm trying to fall asleep late last night (really had an amazing desire to clean my room too!). So! I resolve to work out, figure out the bow flex, and drink water like I did in college (I heart Nalgene). Strangely, aside from just looking like anything but a fat cow, I have a strong image of being able to curl up with my legs against my chest. I've always wanted to ruminate in this way but've been stopped by... well... fat. I look forward to this day! Yeay!
Starting just after Easter (I need the mental prep time I think) T- minus 13 days...

1 comment:

  1. You can totally do it! I have visions of sitting down and not having the fat on my thighs spreading out over the edge of the chair. This is my dream. LOL I believe in us!!!! We have to keep these mental images of ourselves. I saw a guru once who said, "There is a skinny person inside all of us!" I don't know how I feel about that- I definitely don't call skinny perfect and I don't think either of us will ever be sticks, but who wants to be a stick anyway? Healthy is the goal. So maybe "There's a healthy person inside all of us?" :)
